Super String Universe Wiki
Super String Universe Wiki
Welcome to the Super String Universe Wiki!

Everything about YLAB's Super String Universe. For those who don't know about "Super String", Super String is YLAB’s own blockbuster IP, where characters from various YLAB works come together in one universe, the story expanding into genres of films, dramas and games.

Super String Encyclopedia
Super String Universe
Mobile Game
Superstring Concept Collage

Super String Encyclopedia

A team from different webtoons and dimensions joining together.

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Super String Universe

Ultimate artwork with the Superstring cast and some bluestring.

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Mobile Game

An alterative story spin-off and collecting Superstring characters.

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Superstring Concept Collage

Concept art for the mobile game.

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Super String Encyclopedia
Super String Universe
Mobile Game
Superstring Concept Collage
Universe Overview Webtoon Characters
Crossover Timeline YLAB

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Important Announcements

10/26/2024 Current Update

Admin from before had return. Currently, the wiki is filled with important details and events that we can muster. Thus is sort of "done." In addition of reading all of the webtoons avaliable in english, there won't be much edits and addition further more (specifically for SuperString) besides the ones are being translated as we speak. Such as Housekeeper, Hanlim Gym, and Jungle Juice, all other SS webtoons are thoroughly investigated.

7/7/2024 An Admin on temporarily leave

Starting on July 17/18, one of our admin will be absent for 10 weeks which means there will a massive decreased obersvation and edits on this wiki. Possibly after those 10 wks, will have the opporunity to come back.

4/20/2024 Kuku Kuku Webtoon Development

There will be someone progress on this webtoon but not much as there is no English translation. Will be using google translate to understand some of the dialogue and other info.

3/12/2024 Future Including Drama related pages

As some may know, the Island Drama page is heavily not done due to it being low priority. However, as future drama are in the works, there will be true progress of it to an extent. Thus pages like character pages of these drama will be done. Such as a Miho Won (Drama) page.

3/7/2024 Added Author Page

Added another author page, Chungmin as there is enough info found.

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